圣阳蓄电池GFD-500-2V500Ah 圣阳电源旗舰店

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        圣阳蓄电池GFD-500在装置运用 前的环境下存放,贮存期限为3个月,若超越3个月,就要以 2.40 V/只 对电池进行补充电。圣阳电力电池按规定的串并联线路,衔接列间、层间、面板端子的电池 连线。在装置结尾衔接件和整个圣阳蓄电池体系导通前,应认真查看负极性及测体系电压。并 注意在符介设截面积的前提下,引出线应尽可能短,以削减大电流放电时的压降;两组以上 电池并联时,每组电池至负载的电缆线最好等长,以利于圣阳电池充放电时各组电池电流均衡。


    Shengyang battery gfd-500 shall be stored in the environment before the device is put into use. The storage period shall be 3 months. If the storage period exceeds 3 months, the battery shall be replenished with 2.40v/only.Shengyang power battery shall connect the battery connection between columns, layers and panel terminals according to the prescribed series and parallel lines.Before the connection at the end of the device and the whole battery system of shengyang, should carefully check the negative polarity and test the system voltage.In addition, it should be noted that the outlet line should be as short as possible to reduce the pressure drop during the discharge of large current under the premise of setting sectional area of the interface.When more than two groups of batteries are connected in parallel, the cable from each group of batteries to the load should be the same length, so as to balance the battery current in each group when the battery is charged and discharged.

    上一条:浙江圣阳蓄电池备用电源销售/安装 下一条: 圣阳高能量蓄电池HEPL(85-190AH)系列产品特征